President’s Message
January 3, 2015
Happy New Year to each of you, and welcome to 2015. I hope you and your families enjoyed the blessings of the Christmas season and enter the New Year in good health. We have much to look forward to this year in our Chapter and in SAR.
First, I am pleased to inform you of a $260 donation the Chapter was able to make to Fisher House in December. An anonymous benefactor funded our Christmas social on December 11, and ask that members who attended would make a $10 donation/per person to Fisher House. Thank you all who attended and for your response to the request of our benefactor.
Second, be advised that all current Chapter Officers (including myself) have agreed to serve until May 2015. This is due to a number of pending (and necessary) amendments to our Chapter By-Laws. I felt that it would be less disruptive to Chapter operations if all Officers continued to serve in their current capacities until these changes had been finalized and approved at the April 2015 meeting. When I presented this approach to the Chapter leadership in November 2014, they all agreed that we should proceed as I suggested. As a result, you can expect to receive more information about these changes in the coming days. The Chapter Constitution and By-Laws Committee has been formed and will begin its deliberations in January. The Chapter Nominating Committee (consisting of Past Presidents) has also been formed and will be contacting potential Officer Candidates between now and May.
Our Rumbaugh Orations Competition is scheduled for January 29th, 2015 in the Falcons Landing Ballroom. You may remember that our 2014 winner, Hayley Snowden, went on to win the National competition at our Annual Congress this past summer. Please plan to make our January meeting and welcome our 2015 student competitors.
Very respectfully,
William W. “Bill” Price, President
Fairfax Resolves, SAR