Fire Safety
Commendation Medal - 2008
Technician Michael L. Frames
Fire Station 39 A-Shift Battalion 1
Mike has worked in the 1st Battalion his entire career. His knowledge of the streets and buildings in the 1st Battalion is remarkable. Mike takes pride in his “old school” approach to knowing his first due area. He is such a valuable asset to the officer of the unit he is riding. Mike is well respected by all of his peers. His current and past supervisors, without exception, use superlatives to describe his performance and attitude.
Tom Speelman (right) presenting Technician Michael L. Frames with the Fire Safety Commendation Medal
Since being assigned to Fire Station 39, Mike has been the informal leader of the shift. Mike gains respect through his work ethic and knowledge of the job and works towards the goals set forth by his officers. Mike is always the first to help another shift member without hesitation. One of Mike’s best attributes is his desire to do things right; anything less is unacceptable. That type of exemplary attitude is contagious and is passed on to his other shift members.
Technician Michael L. Frames of station 39 is dedicated to the community service driven Mission Statement of the department. Mike enjoys working with the children on community service events and always goes out of his way to ensure doing so. Mike routinely hands out Jr. Fire Helmets while in the community and shows children the fire apparatus while out on the road. When Mike does a “Show and Tell” for kids, it is like no other you have seen. Also, Mike has volunteered for many years to be “Sparky” in the 4th of July Parade in Fairfax City He still enjoys doing it after all these years. He says he can endure a little sweat in the costume to make a few kids happy.
Deputy Fire Chief Christine Louder of the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department expressing appreciation for the SAR participating in the Fairfax County Fire Safety and EMS awards process.
Technician Frames’ commitment to the department is demonstrated by his enthusiasm and willingness to seek out and volunteer for training opportunities, and serve the department in many facets over the last few years. Technician Frames has been the BTO (Battalion Training Officer) for A-Shift 1st Battalion for the past two years. Technician Frames is on the Swift Water Training Committee, is a certified Swift Water Instructor, and recently certified as an Ice Rescue Instructor after traveling to New Hampshire for a Train-the-Trainer course. Mike also completed TROT school in 2007; a year long process and a 290-hour course. Furthermore, Mike pursued the Technical Rescue Technician promotional exam and placed third in the process. He was subsequently promoted. Being involved in so much after 26 years of service is truly commendable and shows his dedication to this department.
In conclusion, Technician Michael Frames has achieved a level of excellence and flexibility that truly epitomizes the “all hazards” mission of this organization. His “lead by example” attitude and desire to serve others is a tribute to the fire service and its grand traditions; which, he represents more effectively than any firefighter, and what the department strives for. With 26 years of service, Mike still comes to work with more enthusiasm and excitement than any rookie. Mike’s devotion to the department coupled with his knowledge and experience clearly establish him as a true professional.
Following Chapter level awards, Fairfax Resolves' 2008 awardees for the Fire Safety and EMS Commendation Medals were submitted for consideration at the Virginia State awards level. Our awardees won the Virginia State Society awards for their respective categories. Each of these State presentations carried a monetary award, which both Technician Frames and Captain II Kendrick donated to a Fairfax County fund for helping Fairfax County citizens in need. Congratulations, gentlemen, and thank you for your continued public service.
Chief Mastin, Michael Frames, Chapter President Tom Speelman, and Chairman Andrew Monahan