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The George S. & Stella M. Knight
Essay Contest


The George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest is a nationally sponsored contest designed to give high school students (9th through 12th grades) an opportunity to explore events that shaped American history.

Fairfax Resolves proudly sponsors local students to submit essays on aspects such as historical persons, philosophies, or ideals that are associated with the American Revolution or related topics such as the Declaration of Independence or the framing of the United States Constitution.

Essays eligible for competition are between 800 and 1000 words. Winners of the Fairfax Resolves contest receive $150, the Thomas Jefferson Medal, and are eligible to compete on the State level for additional prizes. Winners of the State contest are then eligible to compete at the National Contest, which is held at the SAR Annual Congress. The Annual Congress is held at a different location throughout the country, and winners of the State Oration Contest attend the Congress, expenses paid, to compete for additional college scholarships.

Students interested in submitting an essay for competition should review the complete contest rules on the National Web Site and contact the Knight Essay Committee Chairman.

Students participating in the Knight Essay Contest can easily adjust their submission and participate in the Rumbaugh Oration Contest as well. The opportunity to double the scholarship dollars could be well worth the effort! Both contests (essay and oration) are supported by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP).



2015 Award Winner

Sierra Chen


The Fairfax Resolves 2015 Knight Essay competition was won by Sierra Chen, a student at Trinity Christian School in Fairfax, Virginia. Ms. Chen went on to also win the State Essay Competition, and was recognized in February 2015 at the Virginia Society annual meeting in Richmond, Virginia. At the April 2015 chapter meeting, Sierra received both her Chapter and State awards and presented her essay “The Sacrificial Preservation of American Ideals.”

Essay chairman Jeff Thomas presents Miss Chen with a framed medal and certificate. A donation was made to the National Essay endowmnent in her name.

Essay chairman Jeff Thomas presents Miss Chen with a framed medal and certificate. A donation was made to the National Essay endowmnent in her name.

President Bill Price presents Miss Chen with a certificate and check for her state winning essay.

President Bill Price presents Miss Chen with a certificate and check for her state winning essay.



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2025 Fairfax Resolves Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution