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Outstanding Student Program


The Outstanding Student Program was established in the Fairfax Resolves Chapter in 1984 when the chapter decided it would recognize the Outstanding Student in American History at Wakefield High School. Over the years the program grew to recognize the Outstanding Student in American History in seven high schools and the outstanding student for citizenship in school activities in one school, Christchurch. Participating schools are:

Bishop Denis J. O’Connell High School Arlington, Virginia
Christchurch School Christchurch, Virginia
H-B Woodlawn Program Arlington, Virginia
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology Alexandria, Virginia
Trinity Christian School Fairfax, Virginia
Wakefield High School Arlington, Virginia
Washington and Lee Arlington, Virginia
Yorktown High School Arlington, Virginia

Students are selected based on their overall performance. In the case of the outstanding history students, this includes essays, examinations, and daily participation in class. The chapter relies on the professional judgment of the teachers and does not get involved in the selection process.

Outstanding students are recognized by the award of a Bronze Good Citizenship Medal presented at the school’s awards assembly at the end of the school year. There is also a plaque in each school bearing the names of the students who have achieved recognition over the years. Students returning in the fall are eligible to participate in both the Knight Essay and Rumbaugh Historical Orations Contests, and are encouraged use work recognized by this program as the basis for either of these competitions.

The Virginia Society, using the Fairfax Resolves program as a model, established the Outstanding Student Program as a state SAR program in the fall of 1986.



In conjunction with the objectives of the National Society, Sons of the American Revolution, the Fairfax Resolves Chapter has established a partnership with seven area high schools and their respective American History Departments to honor the Outstanding Student in American History. This method of providing recognition to an outstanding student means a lot on their college resumes.

Sometimes it is hard to choose and there is more than one winner per school, but the objectives of the program are still achieved with multiple student winners per school.

In the coming years we hope to stimulate more essayists and orators as well as continuing with the Outstanding Student in American History program as outlined here. We hope to be adding more schools throughout the counties of Fairfax and Loudoun.

Award Recipients 2014


Fairfax Resolves presented eight Outstanding Student awards at seven schools in 2014.

Bishop Denis J. O’Connell High School John Patterson
H-B Woodlawn Program Rhys Davis
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology David Harris and
Emily Moschella
Trinity Christian School Hayley Snowden
Wakefield High School Georgia Allin
Washington and Lee Alexander Wallace
Yorktown High School Cal H. Ries


Award Recipients 2013


Fairfax Resolves presented eight Outstanding Student awards at seven schools in 2013.

Bishop Denis J. O’Connell High School Ben Stievater
H-B Woodlawn Program Hannah Hauptmann
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology Comfort Sampong
Trinity Christian School Claire Wang
Wakefield High School John Palmer and
Dan Brown
Washington and Lee May Khalil
Yorktown High School Molly A. Mosher


Award Recipients 2012


Fairfax Resolves presented eight Outstanding Student awards at six schools in 2012.

Bishop Denis J. O’Connell High School Alexa Dantzler
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology Jacob Doran and
Rachel Merriman-Goldring
Trinity Christian School Abby Fahnestock and
Jacob Sutor
Wakefield High School Sam Mantzner
Washington and Lee Charlie Argon
Yorktown High School Alexander Place


Award Recipients 2011


Fairfax Resolves awarded seven Outstanding Student awards at six schools in 2011.

Bishop Denis J. O’Connell High School Marlena Fernandez
H-B Woodlawn Program Kate Bauman
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology Jacob Miller
Wakefield High School Charles Simon
Washington and Lee Carl Buergler
Washington and Lee Joseph Windhelm
Yorktown High School Robert S. Morris





2025 Fairfax Resolves Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution