Chapter Color Guard
Many Fairfax Resolves members participate in the SAR Color Guard program on the State and National levels. Organized in 1989 by President General Westlake, the SAR Color Guard serves a significant ceremonial role at historic observances, grave markings and other events upon request.
Below are pictures of events where Fairfax Resolves Compatriots participated in special SAR Color Guard events. More pictures of Color Guard activities are located in the Historic Observances and Press Coverage sections.
Naturalization Ceremoney
at Sully Plantation
On June 3, the members of the Fairfax Resolves and George Mason chapter color guards along with member from the First Virginia Regiment presented Colors as a naturalization ceremony conducted at Sully Plantation in Chantilly, VA.
Photos by Don Sweeney, Fairfax County Park Authority
Chapter President Darrin Schmidt (US Flag) leads Andy Johnson (middle) and Larry McKinley while members of the First Viginia Regiment form the guard (far right and left).
Blockhouse Observance
in Natural Tunnel, Virginia
On May 28, the Virginia SAR Color Guard supported the Blockhouse Observance at Natural Tunnel State Park. President Darrin Schmidt carried the Fairfax Resolves banner and Larry McKinley presented the wreath on behalf of the Chapter.
Chapter President Darrin Schmidt and Peter Davenport (President of the George Mason Chapter) carry their Chapter flags as part of the Color Guard.
Larry McKinley presents a wreath for the Fairfax Resolves.
C.A.R. National Convention
in Arlington, Virginia
On April 15, Fairfax Resolves President Darrin Schmidt marched with the NSSAR Color Guard in support of the National Society Children of the American Revolution National Convention. To our knowledge, this is the first SAR Color Guard event at the C.A.R. National Convention.
The NSSAR Color Guard can be seen through the star shaped entrance used by the C.A.R member officers.
Guilford Court House
in Greensboro, North Carolina
The Battle of Guilford Courthouse was a turning point in the British southern campaign during the American Revolutionary War. Fought on March 15, 1781, General Cornwallis led his troops against General Greene in what is now Greensboro, North Carolina. While the battle was technically a blow to the American forces, who retreated from the battlefield, the win cost the British dearly in men and morale. Charles Fox, a British statesman remarked of the battle that, "Another such victory would be the ruin of the British army."
VASSAR Semi-Annual Meeting
in Winchester, Virginia
The Fairfax Resolves Colorguard provided the program at the September Chapter meeting. All four members of the Guard presented topics relevant to the Color Guard activities including flags and protocol, uniforms and clothing, weapons and armament, and finally a slideshow outlining the numerous types of activities that the Guard and attended. The event was well received, and the material may be modified to provide similar presentations in the future.
Above: President Jack Sweeney and Guardsmen Darrin Schmidt (left) and Larry McKinley at the VASSAR Semi-Annual meeting in Winchester, Virginia.
Left: Guardsman Larry McKinley adds new streamers to the VASSAR flag.
St. Veronica's Church Hathaway Induction
On Friday morning, September 10th, the students of Saint Veronica School participated in a special Mass of Remembrance to remember the events of September 11, 2001. Since many of the children were too young to remember the specific events, Father Edward Charles Hathaway spoke on the virtues of justice, religion and patriotism. As a fitting demonstration of patriotism, the Fairfax Resolves Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) presented St Veronica School with a Flag Certificate in recognition of their proper display of the American Flag at the school. Father Hathaway was inducted as a Compatriot of the Fairfax Resolves Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution. Parishoner Bill Price introduced Father Hathaway to the SAR, and Father Hathaway was admitted as a proven descendant of Erastus Hathaway of Vermont.
Father Hathaway receives congratulations from Chapter President Jack Sweeney.
Father Hathaway with fellow Compatriots Jack Sweeney (left), Darrin Schmidt, Bill Price, and Larry McKinley.
September Chapter Meeting
Color Guard Presentation
The Fairfax Resolves Colorguard provided the program at the September Chapter meeting. All four members of the Guard presented topics relevant to the Color Guard activities including flags and protocol, uniforms and clothing, weapons and armament, and finally a slideshow outlining the numerous types of activities that the Guard and attended. The event was well received, and the material may be modified to provide similar presentations in the future.
Guardsman Dan Rolph presents the aspects of the bayonet, including various technological improvements that were introduced over time.
Members of the Color Guard provide a ceremonial backdrop for the induction of new Compatriot Adam Freeman.
July 4th Wreath Laying
and Naturalization Ceremony
at Mount Vernon
The Fairfax Resolves Colorguard participated in the annual wreath laying at the tomb of George Washington on July 4, 2010. Guardsmen Larry McKinley, Vernon Eubanks, and Darrin Schmidt joined Commander Rob Andrews, Brett Osborn, and Don Jennings.
Colorguard Commander Rob Andrews calls commands to Brett Osborn (US Flag) and Darrin Schmidt (Virginia) as the unit prepares to leave George Washington's tomb.
Vernon Eubanks leads the Colorguard unit away from the tomb carrying his Brown Bess musket.
Colorguard Guardsmen (right to left) Vernon Eubanks, Brett Osborn, Darrin Schmidt, Larry McKinley, and Don Jennings marching at the July 4th observance at Mt. Vernon.
The VASSAR Colorguard presenting Colors at the naturalization ceremony held in front of the Mt. Vernon mansion.
SAR National Congress
The Colorguard mustered to present Colors at the National SAR Congress on June 27, 2010. Fairfax Resolves Guardsman Darrin Schmidt participated in the memorial ceremony and the outgoing President General's dinner.
Colorguardsman Darrin Schmidt with the members of the national colorguard in front of the Old Stone Church after the Congress memorial ceremony in Cleveland, Ohio.
Memorial Day Parade
On May 31, 2010, the Fairfax Resolves Colorguard joined compatriots and guardsmen from the George Washington and Fincastle Resolutions Chapters of VASSAR as well as Guardsmen from the Maryland Society to represent the National SAR in the annual Memorial Day Parade in Washington D.C.
Members of the Fairfax Resolves, VASSAR, and Maryland Society SAR in front of the U.S. Capitol building before the Memorial Day Parade in Washington D.C.
Plaque Program in the Valley
The “Plaque Program in the Valley” was an effort to install a plaque bearing the names of 24 soldiers and patriots of the Revolutionary War and 19 men who served as soldiers during the War of 1812. The plaque was mounted on the wall of the Old Providence ARP Church near Raphine, VA. Fairfax Resolves was represented by Compatriot Andrew Monahan and Guardsman Larry McKinley.
The bronze plaque installed at the Old Providence ARP Church near Raphine, VA. (Photo courtesy of Bob Bowen)
(Left) Compatriot Andrew Monahan presented the Fairfax Resolves wreath at the ceremony. (Photo courtesy of Bob Bowen)
Cherry Blossom Festival
On April 9, 2010, the VASSAR Color Guard attended participated in the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington D.C. The Fairfax Resolves Colorguard included Larry McKinley, Dan Rolph, and Darrin Schmidt as well as George Mason members Andy Johnson and Peter Davenport. The evening was a success, with the VASSAR colorguard posing as the backdrop for numerous pictures with the Cherry Blossom princesses.
Members of the Fairfax Resolves and VASSAR Color Guard pose for a picture with (front line) Cherry Blossom Princesses Pennsylvania and Kansas as well as Kent Webber, SAR Compatriot and Festival coordinator. Colorguard members from left to right: Dan Rolph, Darrin Schmidt, Larry McKinley, Andy Johnson, and Peter Davenport.
The Battle of Guilford Courthouse
On March 13, 2010, the VASSAR Color Guard attended the Battle of Guilford Courthouse observance in North Carolina.
Larry McKinley represents Fairfax Resolves in a picture of the VASSAR Colorguard at Guilford Courthouse.
The Crossing of the Dan Observance
On Februrary 20, 2010, the VASSAR Color Guard attended the Crossing of the Dan observance in South Boston, Virginia. The participants started the day with a wreath laying and continued with a pilgrimage to the Crossing of the Dan site on the Dan River.
Members of the Fairfax Resolves and VASSAR Color Guard at the site of the Dan River Crossing by General Nathanael Greene and his men.
Judge Peter Davenport, George Mason Chapter; Dennis Fritts, Fincastle Resolutions Chapter; Larry McKinley, Fairfax Resolves; Color Guard Commander Rob Andrews, Col. James Wood, II Chapter; Robert Bowen, VASSAR President; Andrew Johnson, George Mason Chapter; Vernon Eubanks, Fairfax Resolves Chapter; and Allen Brahin, Fincastle Resolutions.
Oak Hill Elementary
Flag Certificate Ceremony
On February 17, 2010, the Fairfax Resolves Color Guard visited the Oak Hill Elementary School in Fairfax, Virginia. President Jack Sweeney, and members of the Chapter Color Guard recognized the Safety Patrol and the Patrol's Captains for their work keeping their fellow students safe and for their daily rendering of the Colors at their school. Principal Amy Goodloe introduced the Chapter members, and was also recognized with a Flag Certificate.
President Jack Sweeney, center, presenting the Oak Hill Safety Patrol Captains with Flag Certificates and pins for their daily rendering of the Colors at the school. Principal Amy Goodloe, right, was also recognized.
The Color Guard participants included Dan Rolph (left), Larry McKinley (in the Washington's staff uniform) and Darrin Schmidt (back right).
President Jack Sweeney talks about how the SAR seeks to recognize community members such as the Oak Hill students for their patriotic contributions to the community as members of the Safety Patrol listen.
Press Coverage: Herndon - Oak Hill Connection - April 28, 2010
Cowpens Observance
On January 16, 2010, the VASSAR Color Guard attended the Cowpens observance in South Carolina. The participants started the day by laying a carnation at the base of the Daniel Morgan Monument in Spartanburg, SC, and continued at the Cowpens National Battlefield Park where honors were given to the Patriots that fought in the battle.
Members of the Fairfax Resolves with other Virginia Compatriots in front of the Daniel Morgan Monument.
Compatriots from left to right: Wayne Rouse, Vern Eubanks, Darrin Schmidt, Peter Davenport, David Sympson, Larry McKinley, Allen Brahin, John Skillman, Frank Horton, Mike Tommy.
Occoquan Workhouse
Upon request of the Fairfax County Chapter NSDAR, the VASSAR Color Guard presented colors at the dedication of an historical marker at the Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton, Virginia on November 15, 2009. The marker honors the Suffragists who were imprisoned at the Occoquan Workhouse for seeking the right to vote. The Color Guard expertly presented and retired the Colors for the event, with about 175 people in attendance.
Press Coverage: Fairfax Station Connection - November 18, 2009
Dan Rolph (left) and Darrin Schmidt stand next to the newly installed historical marker.
Vernon Eubanks, Peter Davenport, and Colorguard Commander Larry McKinley at the marking ceremony.
Manassas Veterans Day Parade
On November 11, 2009, the VASSAR Color Guard attended the Veterans' Day Parade in Manassas, the first parade sponsored by the local American Legion Post. Fairfax Resolves Compatriots participated alongside other VASSAR Color Guard members.
Members of the Fairfax Resolves march with the VASSAR Color Guard in the Manassas Veterans Day Parade.
From left to right: Peter Davenport, Darrin Schmidt, Color Guard Commander Larry McKinley, Andy Johnson, and Vernon Eubanks.
Firing Party
On October 30, 2009, Lon Lacey sponsored the first Color Guard Firing Party at his home for the VASSAR Color Guard, including four Fairfax Resolves Compatriots. Attendees learned the history of the Brown Bess and French Charleville weapons used during the Revolutionary War, how they fire, and important cleaning techniques. Following the discussion, the Color Guard fired their weapons using black powder.
The VASSAR Color Guard look on as Fairfax Resolves Compatriot Vernon Eubanks fires a round from his replica Brown Bess musket.
The Campaign of 1781 Lafayette's Maneuvers
The VASSAR Color Guard served at the October 24, 2009 dedication of the official Virginia State Historical Marker highlighting the maneuvers of Continental Army Major General Lafayette. The dedication ceremony was also attended by the Fairfax Resolves Chapter President, Jack Sweeney and his wife Carol of the Kate Waller Barrett DAR Chapter. The marker is located about 13 Miles west of Fredericksburg on Hwy 3, about 20 Miles east of Culpeper on Hwy 3, about 22 Miles east of Orange on Hwy 20.; about 60 mi NE from Charlottesville on Hwy 20.
VASSAR President Bill Simpson dedicates the historical highway marker honoring The Campaign of 1781, Lafayette’s Maneuvers along with the VASSAR Color Guard which was led by Compatriot Larry McKinley of the Fairfax Resolves (2nd from the right).
Rhythm of Ireland
The VASSAR Color Guard presented the American, Irish and Virginian Colors during the opening ceremonies of the 10th Annual Rhythm of Ireland Feis (Irish Dancing Competition) in Williamsburg, Virginia on October 17, 2009.
Color Guard Commander Larry McKinley leads Guardsmen Darrin Schmidt (not pictured), Andy Johnson, and Trice Taylor in presenting the Colors, including the flag of Ireland, at the Rhythm of Ireland Feis in Williamsburg, VA.
The Order of the Founders and Patriots of America Grave Marking
The VASSAR Color Guard presented Colors at a grave marking ceremony at the Warner Hall Plantation in Gloucester on October 17, 2009. SAR President General ED Butler and VASSAR President Bill Simpson were in attendance along with OFPA Governor General John Bourne and Virginia Society President Mike Lyman.
Fairfax Resolves Guardsmen and those of the National Society pose for a picture with President General Ed Butler.
VASSAR Guardsment Darrin Schmidt, Larry McKinley, Andy Johnson, and Trice Taylor pause for a picture with their bronze Compatriots on the Yorktown waterfront prior to the grave marking.
Semi-Annual Meeting
The VASSAR Color Guard presented American and Virginia Colors as part of the semi-annual meeting of VASSAR in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
On May 30th, 2009, the VASSAR Color Guard supported the annual Siege on the Blockhouse at Natural Tunnel State Park near Duffield, Virginia.
VASSAR Color Guard at Present Arms/Colors for “Amazing Grace”
Firing a salute by the militia from Wilderness Road
Memorial Day
The VASSAR Color Guard marched in coordination with the NSSAR unit at the Memorial Day parade on Monday May 25, 2009. This National Observance was held in downtown Washington D.C.
The National Society Color Guard marches in the Memorial Day Parade through downtown Washington D.C.
Sarah Trone Grave Marking
The Fairfax Resolves Color Guard presented Colors in support of the DAR grave marking for Sarah Ann Howison Trone on April 4, 2009. The grave marking was held in Dale City, VA.
Dan Rolph with his Brown Bess musket leads Guardsmen Andy Johnson, Larry McKinley, and Darrin Schmidt to the gravesite in the woods.
Guardsman Andy Johnson watches and Color Guard Commander Larry McKinley prepares for the ceremony by setting stakes for the flags.
Cherry Blossom Festival
The VASSAR Colorguard participated in the opening ceremonies for the Cherry Blossom Festival on April 3, 2009. The Color Guard presented the American, DC and Virginia Colors for the Cherry Blossom Grand Ball and Banquet.
Members of the Color Guard Andy Johnson (right), Larry McKinley, Darrin Schmidt, and Dan Rolph grant a request to pose with some of the ball's attendees.
Participants from Georgia show off Dan Rolph's Brown Bess musket.