Valley Forge Historical Observance
The Washington Memorial Chapel observes on a triennial basis (DAR and SAR both attend) a memorial service dedicated to those Virginian’s who wintered over with General Washington at Valley Forge the winter of 1776 and 1777. The observance is held the first Sunday in November. The Fairfax Resolves, a Virginia Chapter, is committed to filling the chapel with Virginia SARs and DARs since it is a service honoring Virginians. VASSAR will coordinate with the DAR State Regent and the Virginia Daughters to determine in advance which specific year the organizations will attend. The service is called the “Commonwealth of Virginia Service”.
More information about the chapel and the town of Valley Forge by visiting the Washington Memorial Chapel and the Valley Forge websites.
Virginia Commemorative Service at Valley Forge Chapel
Washington Memorial Chapel at Valley Forge, PA was the site of the service called the “Commonwealth of Virginia Service” on November 2, 2008. The VASSAR Color Guard presented colors honoring the Virginians who served over the winter at Valley Forge. Present were Trice Taylor, Rob Andrews, Alan Brahin, Dan Rolph, and Larry McKinley, and 1st Vice President William Simpson represented the President of VASSAR at the service. The service was held in conjunction with the Virginia DAR who’s State Regent, and her color bearer, also participated in the service.
Those great Virginians who wintered over with General Washington were present in spirit as the service was performed on a beautify day by the chapel’s Interim Rector, Reverend Louis H. Temme. The DAR and SAR filled three quarters of the Chapel while local citizens and well wishers filled the remaining quarter.
The VASSAR Color Guard, commanded by former VASSAR President Larry McKinley.
Members of the Virginia SAR and Virginia DAR in front of the Washington Memorial Chapel