Emergency Medical Services
Commendation Medal
Emergency Medical Services Commendation Medal
The Emergency Medical Services Commendation Medal may be presented to an individual who has made a contribution in the EMS field that exceeded the requirements and expectations of their job description.
The medal depicts an Emergency Medical Services badge. The medal is accompanied by an enameled bar, suitable for wear on a uniform. A miniature medal is also available.
Additional information regarding the SAR Emergency Medical Services Commendation Medal can be found in the SAR Handbook, Volume III.
2014 Medal Recipient
Lieutenant David Myers
Lieutenant David Myers is a 17 year veteran of the department, and currently serves in an advanced life support (ALS) capacity. He has worked his way up through the ranks to achieve the position of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Lieutenant and assigned to Station 29 for the past five years. Not only has Dave served on one the busiest medic units in the county, he has effectively mentored and trained many new ALS providers during their internship. Dave is highly regarded by his peers and fellow shift members as being a top notch paramedic and someone who genuinely cares about his patients; he strives to provide the highest medical care possible. Aside from being an excellent paramedic and mentor Dave is a good officer, who in the absence of the Captain, assumes the role of shift leader ensuring that the daily activities are accomplished in an orderly fashion meeting and surpassing the Fire Chief’s expectations. The singular accomplishments of Lieutenant Myers reflect great credit on himself and the Fairfax County Fire Department. The Fairfax Resolves Chapter, Virginia Society, Sons of the American Revolution is pleased to recognize Lieutenant Myers with its 2014 Emergency Medical Services Commendation Medal.
President Bill Price presents Lieutenant David Myers with the Emergency Medical Services Commendation Medal