Law Enforcement
Commendation Medal 2009
The Fairfax Resolves Chapter was honored to present two Law Enforcement Commendation medals at the 2009 annual awards banquet. Each recipient has served the community with distinction and devotion in the field of law enforcement, and we are pleased to recognize their efforts.
Medal Recipient
Fairfax County MPO Kevin Palizzi
MPO Kevin Palizzi has excelled well beyond other officers in the performance of his daily duties during the year 2008.
MPO Palizzi is a fifteen-year veteran of the Fairfax County Police Department and is currently assigned to the Traffic Division's Motorcycle Squad. He has continuously proven to be an excellent police officer and performs his assigned duties with the highest degree of integrity, thoughtful insight, reliability, dedication, willingness to learn, and good judgment. He is respectful towards his coworkers and the citizens of Fairfax County.
In 2008, MPO Palizzi wrote 1,049 traffic summonses. He is also a member of the Fairfax County Police Search and Rescue Team, the Motor Carrier Drug Interdiction Team (MCS) and a Field Training Officer for the Motor Squad.
MPO Palizzi is serious about his job and it shows in the work he consistently performs. He leads by example and embraces the Traffic Division's mission, which is to reduce fatal, injury, and property damage crashes, change unsafe illegal driver behavior and to change all drivers' expectations concerning traffic enforcement in Fairfax County. MPO Palizzi's personal goal is to get drugs off the street and he accomplishes this on a daily basis.
MPO Palizzi produces more criminal cases while conducting traffic enforcement than his peers on the Motor Squad and most of his fellow officers in patrol. Very few officers make as many felony arrests, not to mention the variety of arrests. All of these arrests are in addition to accomplishing his daily responsibilities with a high level of proficiency. His performance evaluations document this trend, beginning in his fourth year of service and continue to present.
Currently on the Motorcycle Squad, he is tasked with daily assignments such as dignitary escorts, funeral escorts, speed enforcement, pedestrian safety, traffic control, roll call training for patrol officers, and squad training. MPO Palizzi consistently finds a way to be a top producer in almost every category and always performs with humility, tact, and a positive attitude.
MPO Palizzi has consistently exceeded the expectations placed on him by his supervisors, and moreover the expectations placed on him by his appointment as a police officer. This performance clearly assists the Police Department and the County of Fairfax in attaining their goals and accomplishing their missions.
MPO Kevin Palizzi receiving the Law Enforcement Commendation award from Chapter President Tom Speelman (left). Deputy Chief Lt. Colonel Suzanne Devlin also pictured.
Medal Recipient
Fairfax County Police Detective Raymond E. Betts
Detective Raymond Betts has been assigned to the Fairfax County Gang Investigations Unit for approximately two years. Since his arrival, he has worked tirelessly in his efforts to combat gang related crimes within, and at times, outside of Fairfax County. He has accounted for over 100 felony arrests and 30 misdemeanors during a one-year time period. His sustained dedication and motivation is exemplary and is commended routinely by his peers, supervisors and commanders.
Detective Raymond Betts during the reading of his achievements.
Detective Betts exemplifies the spirit of this award as he has truly served with honor, distinction and devotion to the field of public safety and law enforcement. Detective Betts has taken it upon himself to educate members of the Fairfax County Police Department on current gang trends, as well as providing them with valuable information leading to numerous arrests. Detective Betts developed a user friendly data base to collect and disseminate critical information on criminal street gang members. This system was made assessable to officers of the Franconia District Station as well as surrounding districts. These efforts, along with his selfless dedication, have proven extremely beneficial to the public safety community. In the past year, his efforts have resulted in a 50% reduction in gang related crimes within the Franconia District of Fairfax County.
Detective Betts has become a highly developed investigator in a relatively short period of time. He has transitioned from a patrol-level reactionary first responder to a highly regarded investigator dealing in complex multi-jurisdictional crimes. While investigating the criminal activity of a leader of a local gang, Detective Betts was able to help identify a group of individuals who were responsible for a series of burglaries in and around Culpeper, Virginia. These burglaries resulted in numerous firearms being stolen and available for sale on the street. Detective Betts' tireless efforts during this investigation aided in the recovery of several firearms and the identity of those responsible. Detective Betts' hard work prevented these firearms from ending up in the hands of gang members who reside within Fairfax County. The investigation was also responsible for shutting down a deadly source of weapons for local gang members. Detective Betts' diligence has panicked a local street gang, "Shot Caller," who (through confirmed reports) has made several threats on Detective Betts' life. These threats only strengthen Detective Betts' resolve to see that these individuals and individuals like him answer for their actions.
Detective Betts' most recent investigation caught the attention of the U.S. Attorney's Office and is currently being prosecuted within the Federal Court system. He continues to work selflessly, providing assistance and support to all members of the Fairfax County Police Department, as well as other entities of the public safety family.
Fairfax County Police Detective receiving the Law Enforcement Commendation Medal from Compatriot Vernon Eubanks.