2009 Flag Certificate Recipients
Dan is assigned as an apparatus technician at station 34 which means his primary job is to drive and maintain the fire engine. Dan goes well above and beyond his duties on a daily basis. Over the last year or so he has been working with three firefighters on his shift to get them qualified as back up engine drivers. Training involves hundreds of hours per firefighter, and Dan handles the task expertly and with a lot of patience. Dan always emphasizes firefighter safety and never hesitates to point out anything that he feels is an unsafe practice.
George DeWrazalinski of Arlington is presented an SAR Certificate of Commendation by Chapter President Jack Sweeney
• George DeWrazalinski - On 10 Dec 09 George DeWrazalinski of Arlington, VA was awarded an SAR Certificate of Commendation for his dedicated display of the Flag of the United States at his home. George DeWrazialinski has good reason to proudly and gratefully display the U.S. Flag. He is the son of a senior Polish military officer. As a teenager, during World War II, George was subjected to the intolerable hardships of a Nazi forced labor camp. At the end of the war, George worked with the U.S/Allied Immigration Review and Approval authorities as a translator for German and Polish language refugee screening. Later, in the early 1950s, he opted to emigrate to the United States where he has since been a grateful and proud citizen who routinely displays the U.S. Flag on his house in a respectful manner for all to see.
Rear Admiral Kathleen Martin receives an SAR Flag certificate for Vinson Hall
• The Navy Marine Coast Guard Residence Foundation - Rear Admiral Kathleen L. Martin, USN-Ret., Executive Director of the Navy Marine Coast Guard Residence Community in McLean, Virginia, received the SAR Flag certificate at Vinson Hall on December 2nd during a meeting of the Board of Directors.
Three separate buildings on the twenty acre complex have impressive lighted flag poles in the front where the U.S. Flag is flown 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The flags are lowered to half staff on each Memorial Day and at other times designated by the U.S. Government. Additionally, because Vinson Hall is the meeting place for the Fairfax Resolves SAR Chapter, the chapter flag is on display in a stand of flags inside the main dining area along with the U.S. Flag, the flags of the U.S. military services, and other historic flags. Rear Admiral Martin and the other Vinson Hall staff are serious about ensuring the proper display of the U.S. Flag and the other flags. Vinson Hall also relies on the local Children of the American Revolution Society for proper disposal of tattered and worn U.S. Flags.
Flags at Vinson Hall