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The George S. & Stella M. Knight
Essay Contest - 2009


Ms. Clark reads her essay at the Februrary meeting of the Fairfax Resolves

Ms. Clark reads her essay at the Februrary meeting of the Fairfax Resolves

The Fairfax Resolves Chapter winning essay for 2009 was written by Hannah Clark, a junior at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. Ms. Clark's topic, “Odd One Out", dicussed the life of John Adams and how he was the "odd man out" during the revolutionary period.


Ms. Clark attended one of the Chapter's regular meetings where she shared her winning essay with members and residents of Vinson Hall. Ms. Clark received a check for $50 and a certificate for her outstanding contribution.


As the chapter winner, Ms. Clark's essay was submitted to the state contest where it was judged against very competitive essays from around Virginia. Ms. Clark's essay took home second place and an additional $300. Congratulations Ms. Clark!


Ms. Clark poses with her family (left) and Chapter President Tom Speelman (right).

Ms. Clark poses with her family (left) and Chapter President Tom Speelman (right).




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2025 Fairfax Resolves Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution