Citizen of the Year
2010 Award Recipient
Lawrence E. McKinley
Larry McKinley as he finally realizes that he is in fact the 2010 Citizen of the Year
The Fairfax Resolves Chapter is proud to announce the presentation of the 2010 Citizen of the Year Award to Lawrence E. McKinley of Great Falls, VA.
The Fairfax Resolves Citizen of the Year Award is made annually to a particularly deserving citizen who has distinguished him/herself by demonstrated outstanding service to the community, present or past. Lawrence E. McKinley has distinguished himself by volunteering at least 40 hours weekly, providing surge support for several special events and conventions throughout the year, and tedious hours of preparation and personal study which results in approximately 3500 hours of volunteer work annually. To equate that to a full time employed position… Larry works the equivalent of nearly two full time jobs!
The quantity of his service hours is only matched by his enviable enthusiasm for the organizations he serves. Selfless service to country, community and individuals characterizes Larry McKinley's day-to-day activities. The letter of recommendation from Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic (RFB&D) Organization's Evening Program Manager stipulates, “Listening to Larry's voice, the students experience changes from one of frustration to one of enjoyment and inspiration for further learning and reading. Nothing could be more important! Quite simply, Larry's work at RFB&D changes lives.”
The hallmarks of his involvement are dedication, commitment and enthusiasm. He is consistently working for the good of the organization, and meeting each of his promises to the absolute best of his ability. Never being one to promise something and not deliver results, Larry works tirelessly to make sure needs are met when he delivers something or hands off a task.
Larry McKinley, in addition to his many other activities, is a central figure in the operations of the Fairfax Resolves Chapter, making the 2010 nomination difficult to coordinate. President Jack Sweeney (middle) and Chairman Dennis Hickey share a chuckle at being able to “pull one over” on Larry.
The following organizations currently benefit from his direct work:
• Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum
• Smithsonian Institution Air & Space Magazine
• Docent Council, National Air and Space Museum
• Reading For the Blind and Dyslexic (RFB&D)
• Andrew Chapel United Methodist Church
• Boy Scout Troop 1128
• Bishop O'Connell Catholic High School
• McLean Youth Orchestra
• Children of the American Revolution
• Daughters of the American Revolution
• Sons of the American Revolution
Read the entire citation here.
Larry accepts the award and graciously poses for pictures