The George S. & Stella M. Knight
Essay Contest 2010
Ms. Tondreau reads her essay at the April meeting of the Fairfax Resolves
The Fairfax Resolves annual essay competition was recently won by Brigitte Tondreau, a senior at George Marshall High School. Brigitte, a Vienna, VA resident, chose to write on “The Articles of Confederation: An Under-Appreciated Success”. Most historians agree that upon examination the “Articles” were considered a failure. Brigitte chose to emphasize what the “articles” were good for and not why they failed. “……They successfully divided the western lands, unified the states and kept them from turning against each other in civil war, and served as a model and example for the framers of the Constitution that is still in use today”.
Brigitte produced a wonderful essay that Larry Lamborn and Larry McKinley thought well enough of to send to State and she won at that level over 18 other SAR Chapters. Brigitte’s essay, along with her presentation of the winning essay, will be published on the Fairfax Resolves web-site when we obtain the results of the national competition held in June.
Comments from our Chapter President Jack Sweeney in a letter he wrote to Brigitte letting her know she won. …“I have been notified by the State Chairman of the Knight Essay Contest, Dr. Lou Beech, that you are the Commonwealth’s first place winner and will be the recipient of $1,000. I can’t say how pleased I am to convey this information to you and congratulate you for your excellent work titled, “The Articles of Confederation: An Under-Appreciated Success”.
The purpose of all our youth contests is to stimulate original research into a Revolutionary War event, place, person or document that shaped our country and the freedoms we enjoy today. You are a wonderful example of hard work, creative thought and outstanding communication of your original research. Thank you for participating and being a Chapter and State winner may not be the end of your essay. Your essay will automatically will be entered in the National contest as a State winner. We expect to hear results of that contest in the June timeframe. Good Luck to you Brigitte!!!
Chapter President Jack Sweeney presents Ms. Brigitte Tondreau with the award for her winning essay “The Articles of Confederation: An Under-Appreciated Success”