The Joseph S. Rumbaugh
Historical Oration Contest 2010
When I studied history in my AP class, I could not understand the indecision and hesitation of the American settlers on the eve of the Revolutionary War. How could they hesitate to protect their rights? The leaders of the Revolution were offering Americans freedom and they did not immediately snatch it up? But then I put myself in a colonist's shoes. If I were alive during the Revolution, I might not be as eager as I had previously thought.
Kristi Bowers opening lines captivated the audience and set the stage for her close but well earned win at the Fairfax Resolves 2010 Oration contest. Her speech, entitled It's Only Common Sense, went on to discuss how Thomas Paines historic writing was the spark that lit the fire of revolution.
Kristi Bowers is a junior at Bishop Denis J. OConnell High School, and is a student of Ms. Mary Lou Wentzels English class. Ms. Bowers oration was awarded $100 and a certificate, and she will represent the Chapter at the State level competition.
While much of oration contest is based on a contestants actual presentation, the words Kristis speech can be read here (2010 Oration - Its only Common Sense.pdf).
Oration Contest Chairman Larry McKinley speaks to the crowd about the rules of the contest.
The Falcons Landing facility provided refreshments for the evening as part of thier community outreach program. The contestants and crowd appreciated the array of cookies, coffee, and punch.
Kristi Bowers present her oration Its Only Common Sense.
President Jack Sweeney presents the winner of the chapter oration contest, Kristi Bowers, with a check and certificate.
All of the contestants of the contest prepare to introduce themselves to the crowd after the completion of the orations.
National SAR Oration Contest
Kristi Bowers, winner of the Fairfax Resolves Oration Contest and Virginia State Contest with her oration Its Only Common Sense, took first place in the National Orations Contest at SAR Congress in Cleveland.
Kristi is the first National winner sponsored by the Virginia Society in over 30 years! Kristi had 14 fellow contestants, and took home an additional $3,000 in prize money. As the National Winner, she presented her oration at the Youth Luncheon the following day and received a standing ovation. Compatriots McKinley and Schmidt were there to cheer her on!
Congratulations, Kristi!
As the 2nd place winner of the Oration Contest is announced, Kristi knows that she will be taking home first prize.
President General Ed Butler presents Kristi with a medal, certificate, and most importantly, a check for $3000.
Kristi stands with the second place winner from Mississippi (middle) and the third place winner from Kentucky (right).
The first Virginia winner of the National Orations contest since 1978 stands with Compatriots Larry McKinley (left) and Darrin Schmidt of the sponsoring Fairfax Resolves Chapter.
President General Ed Butler presents Kristi with the first place ribbon and medal at the Youth Luncheon.
Contestants from sixteen states participated in the 2010 SAR National Orations Contest in Cleveland, Ohio. Also pictured: Orations committee members Jonathan Goebel (left) and Larry McKinley (top right) and SAR President General Ed Butler (front right).
VASSAR Oration Contest
State Oration Chairman William Broadus presents Kristi Bowers with her award and $1000 check. Kristi was also awarded a medal in celebration of the Winter Olympics.
The first place winner, Kristi Bowers, participates in the group shot that includes the rest of the contestants, parents of the contestants, and the Chapter sponsors.