Law Enforcement
Commendation Medal
2011 Award Recipient
MPO Pete Davila
Members of the Fairfax Resolves attended the Fairfax County Law Enforcement awards ceremony to present this year’s recipients with the SAR Law Enforcement Commendation medal. Chapter President Darrin Schmidt made presentations to a very deserving candidates, MPO Pete Davila. Darrin also had the honor of presenting the 2010 chapter award winner, Detective Shawn M. Monaghan, with the VASSAR recognition including a monetary award.
MPO Pete Davila’s award is based on a nomination provided by Second Lieutenant, Brian E. Hall.
MPO Pete Davila began his distinguished career with the Fairfax County Police Department in March of 1989. After completing the Criminal Justice Academy, he was assigned to the Mason District Station as a patrol officer. During his time at Mason Station, Pete was selected for the Neighborhood Patrol Unit (Bike Team). This position afforded him a more personal interaction with the citizens he served. MPO Pete Davila’s determined investigative abilities, knowledge of the community, and his fluency in Spanish garnered significant results in preventing and resolving criminal activity. Additionally MPO Pete Davila would consistently translate and assist with complex investigations by other patrol officers as well as detectives from the departments Criminal Investigative Sections. MPO Davila was instrumental in the development of a Gang Interdiction Program, which would later become the departments Gang Unit. In 1997 MPO Pete Davila became Mason Station’s Crime Prevention Officer. In addition to the myriad of routine duties assigned to that position, Pete initiated a Rape Aggression Defense program for the district, which would later become a county wide program. He also initiated and revitalized numerous neighborhood watch programs. Pete developed Community Policing Strategies which was later used by the U.S. Department of Justice Community Police Consortium as a model program. As a result, Pete was utilized as a consultant by the Community Policing Consortium to facilitate training throughout the United States. Pete also became a consultant for the U. S. State Department on community policing. His expertise was used to provide training to officers in El Salvador, Bolivia and the Dominican Republic to provide lectures on the concept of community policing.
Photo courtesy of Fairfax County Police Department
MPO Pete Davila receives the Law Enforcement Commendation Medal from Fairfax County Police Chief Col. David M. Rohrer (left) and President Darrin Schmidt.
In February of 1999, MPO Davila was selected for an instructor’s position at the Fairfax County Criminal Justice Academy. Upon his arrival MPO Davila was immediately assigned to the Defensive Tactics Staff, of which he is now the lead instructor. In this roll MPO Davila not only instructs the basic recruits and numerous in-service retraining (MIR’s), he provides on going training and updates for the remainder of the department. MPO Davila is constantly increasing and updating the reference material used for defensive tactics instruction. He has been instrumental in seeking and organizing additional staff training from outside vendors such as Gracie Combative, Manadonock, and Maurice Allen.
Always concerned about safety, MPO Davila has improved many of the Academy’s safety protocols. Evaluators now wear a traffic vest for better identification. Signs are posted around the training areas, so non-participating personnel will not interfere. Mouth pieces, knee and elbow pads are now required for the basic recruits during defensive tactics training.
During MPO Davila’s tenure at the Academy, he has introduced new classes and updated much of the current curriculum. He introduced the Seven Habits for Law Enforcement Professionals, a new Bias Policing Class which exposes the basic recruits to what led to some of law enforcements worst decisions, a new Community Policing class using the S.A.R.A. model for problem solving, and a Multicultural Diversity class which highlights the similarities and contributions of different cultures. The Multicultural class was such a success, MPO Davila was invited to give the instruction to members of the Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Academy. In addition, MPO Davila has introduced a Tactical Folding Knife class, a Baton Combative class, an Empty Hands Combative class, and a Weapon Disarming class to not only the basic recruits, but also the entire department. MPO Davila is currently working on a Women’s specific Defensive Tactics class, and developing a Neck Restraint Training Curriculum in conjunction with Maurice Allen.
MPO Davila has been recognized by the Fairfax County Police Department and received a Meritorious Service award, a Meritorious Commendation, a Team Excellence award, and an Outstanding Performance award. But equally as important are the numerous emails he has received from officers that have attended his training and successfully used the techniques to save themselves from harm.
Since MPO Davila began his career he has been motivated to serve the public to the best of his abilities. He has been deeply involved in crime prevention and investigation. He has additionally taken it upon himself to develop instruction and outreach to the local, national, and international communities in the areas of crime prevention and investigation. MPO Davila’s time as an instructor at the Fairfax County Criminal Justice Academy has been truly exceptional. He has been instrumental in the development of new curriculum and the modernizing of current curriculum, always with an eye on officer safety and public service. MPO Davila has served the community with outstanding distinction and devotion for over 21 years, and therefore I submit him for recognition.
The Fairfax Resolves Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution is proud to award MPO Pete Davila with the Law Enforcement Medal.