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Flag Day Flag Retirement 2011

Jointly Sponsored by the C.A.R.


On Flag Day, June 14, Compatriots Larry McKinley and Darrin Schmidt along with members of the Children of the American Revolution conducted the 8th annual flag retirement ceremony at the Great Falls Library. The Great Falls Volunteer Fire Department was on hand to help dispose of worn out flags safely and properly, with flags flown at Revolutionary Patriot graves being among those retired during this ceremony.


Compatriot Larry McKinley and members of the C.A.R. and their parents conduct the ceremony before retiring the flags.

Compatriot Larry McKinley and members of the C.A.R. and their parents conduct the ceremony before retiring the flags.


Members of the C.A.R. present the new flag to the Great Falls library. This continues to be a tradition of the event.

Members of the C.A.R. present the new flag to the Great Falls library. This continues to be a tradition of the event.


Compatriot Larry McKinley presents an SAR flag certificate to the Great Falls Fire House for their properly display of the flag in the Great Falls community.

Compatriot Larry McKinley presents an SAR flag certificate to the Great Falls Fire House for their properly display of the flag in the Great Falls community.


The C.A.R. participants with a Great Falls Volunteer Firefighter who participated in the flag retirement ceremony.

The C.A.R. participants with a Great Falls Volunteer Firefighter who participated in the flag retirement ceremony.



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2025 Fairfax Resolves Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution