Emergency Medical Services
Commendation Medal
2013 Medal Recipient
Lieutenant Edward DeCarlo
Lieutenant DeCarlo is nominated for this award for his 24 years of service as an outstanding Emergency Medical Services (EMS) provider. His commitment to Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department’s EMS division should not go unnoticed. Ed’s humility and technical expertise in the profession he has chosen are irreplaceable. What I believe separates him from others, is his compassion for each individual we serve on any incident. No matter the insignificance of the incident to others on the team, he always places the needs of the citizens first. His display of confidence and calm demeanor assist with the mitigation of any incident effortlessly. Furthermore, Lt. De Carlo’s traits listed above provide inspiration and guidance to the younger members of the department. It is a testament to his technical competence, his ability to remain calm in any situation and the confidence he exudes, that it is often easily perceptible to see newer members emulating his poise.
From left to right, Lieutenant Edward DeCarlo and Compatriot Bill Price