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Secretary/Treasurer Emeritus
Richard S. Spurr

Ancestor: Timothy Blodgett


Richard S. Spurr - Secretary/Treasurer Emeritus

Richard S. Spurr - Secretary/Treasurer Emeritus


Richard Spurr was honored by the Fairfax Resolves Chapter at the 2009 Chapter Awards Banquet with an Emeritus Title for his contributions to our Chapter over the past 25 years.

Richard came from Boston, Massachusetts to Washington D.C. in 1949 and started his government career, and spent most of its 36 years with the National Archives. He was in charge of aerial photographs primarily for civilian and agricultural use. Richard’s wife, Ivy, is no longer with us but his children are local—Dennis and Patricia.

Richard says that his entrance into the Sons of the American Revolution is a “long story”, but honestly he didn’t know what the SAR was! He was trying to enter the Society of Colonial Wars and was struggling with the paperwork so he called the registrar. Apparently, this guy was a very old man who lived in the apartment houses on K Street, and had a way of being brutally honest – or maybe just brutal. He told Richard that he couldn’t get into the Society of Colonial Wars, but he ought to try the Sons of the American Revolution. We won’t argue how odd it is that his ancestor fought at the Battle of Lexington, but he was turned down in that “other” organization! The SAR did NOT turn him down and the D.C. Society welcomed Richard in 1951.

He came to our Chapter from the D.C. Society in 1984 – and we are certainly glad he did! He brought a new level of organization and detail to our Chapter as Secretary Treasurer. He served 15 years as our Secretary Treasurer and simultaneously served three different years in the 1970-1980’s as the D.C. Society Executive Secretary.

There are several testaments to Richard’s eye for details. For as long as any of us remembers, our books have been straight and accurate minutes have been recorded for each meeting. Richard was always on the phone collecting dues from those of us who were a bit slower than he thought we should be… His detailed record keeping and diligent reminders prevented many members from being “dropped” from our ranks, and kept our Chapter running in top fiscal form.

In summary, we honored Richard with an Emeritus position in our Chapter for his “outstanding leadership and 58 years of service, decades as Secretary Treasurer; for inspiring and educating us in the principles of an organized historical, educational and patriotic Chapter allowing us to inspire and educate the community. All Fairfax Resolves treasures your presence and advice”.

Divider Flourish


Richard passed on June 8, 2009, shortly after the 2009 Awards Banquet. In addition to his children Patricia and Dennis, he was survived by two grandsons, Sean and Devin Callison. Services were held June 12, 2009 at St. Andrew and St. Margaret of Scotland Church in Alexandria, Virginia. Interment followed at Ivy Hill Cemetery.

Richard S. Spurr Grave Marker - Ivy Hill Cemetery
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Richard S. Spurr Grave Marker - Ivy Hill Cemetery


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2025 Fairfax Resolves Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution