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Fairfax County
Pension Applications


Patriot enlisted in, served in, or was present in Fairfax County (Including Alexandria)

Fairfax Cochran, Samuel W280 McClanahan (McLanahan), Thomas W1052
Dailey, Jesse W6980 Conn, Samuel S15384 McDerment, Joseph S16472
Earp, Abednego W3529 Corn, John Peter W5885 McGinnis, Andrew W8426
Ethell, Anthony S6825 Craig, Thomas W3954 McKey, Bennett S38197
Garrett, Henry S1664 Dailey, Jessee W6980 Monroe, Spencer S8900
Hatton, Basil S8665 Dalton, William S8295 Noland, James W9202
Hill, Samuel S9577 Darwin, John S21155 Oliver, William S7280
Kent, Peter W85 Earp, Abednego W3529 Orear, Daniel S31892
McDerment, Joseph S16472 Elgin, Walter S9548 Philips, George S31908
Randall, Robert S45165 Elkins, William S42703 Smith, Thomas R9866
Urton, Peter S16561 Ethell, Anthony S6825 Tart, Thomas S7676
Vallandingham, Lewis W2977 Foley, John R3624 Taylor, James R10411
Alexandria Gilbert, Joseph S40059 Tharp, Thomas S7706
Adams, Francis W8313 Hamrick, Benjamin S5472 Vallandingham, Lewis W2977
Adams, Phillip S8008 Hancock, Samuel X916 Vaughan, Vincent W4366
Anderson, Leonard W8329 Hawkins, Bartlett (alias Bartlett H. Fitzgerald) S9562 Vaughn, Thomas S22030
Anthony, James W3914 Howard, Peter S4404 White, William S1735
Bailey, Noah S6556 Hurdell (Hurdle), Lawrence (wife of) W2157 Williams, William W3907
Bain, John S22110 Kirk, John S5558 Witherington, Joseph S1938
Burch, John W5238 Lambert, George S8810 Witt, Jesse W6524
Campbell, William W6617 Martin, George W4543 Woosley, Moses S6442
Chumley, Daniel S3152 Martin, Joseph W9532  
Claspy (Gillespie), John S30934 Mason, Robert R7001  


Pension transcriptions are made possible through the generosity of the Southern Campaigns of the American Revolution. All transcriptions were done by the individuals noted in the transcriptions.



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2025 Fairfax Resolves Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution