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President’s Message

March 13, 2014

Bill Price, Chapter President




I have a number of status updates for you in this message. More detailed information will soon be available on the Chapter web site under Chapter Activities (Member News).

1. Teacher of the Year. Our Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Heather Shapiro, was selected as the 2014 Virginia Society, Sons of the American Revolution (VASSAR) Teacher of the Year. Heather and her family were able to join Chapter representatives in Richmond to accept her award on February 15th.


2. Rumbaugh Orations Contest. Our Chapter winner, Miss Hayley Snowden, also won the VASSAR Rumbaugh Orations Contest held February 15th in Richmond. Hayley is now on her way to the 2014 National Congress representing the State of Virginia.


3. Knight Essay Contest. Our Chapter winner, Miss Emily Cox, placed second in the VASSAR Knight Essay competition. Emily was able to travel to Richmond and accept her award on February 15.


4. King Eagle Scout Scholarship. Our Chapter winner, Mr. Eugene DeNezza, placed third in the VASSAR Eagle Scout competition. Eugene will be presented his Chapter and State awards at a separate event later in March 2014.


5. Additional VASSAR Awards. Fairfax Resolves received an additional eight chapter awards for activities during 2013. See Member News for more information.


Most of our 2014 Chapter initiatives have been started successfully:

Rumbaugh Orations: Fairfax Resolves has made a $250 donation to the Orations Endowment in the name of our Chapter winner, Miss Hayley Snowden.

Knight Essay: Fairfax Resolves has made a $250 donation to the Essay Endowment in the name of our Chapter winner, Miss Emily Cox.

Center for the Advancement of American Heritage (CAAH): To respond to a challenge announced by the National Society President General in 2013, Fairfax Resolves has made a $500 donation to the CAAH.

SAR Veterans Corps: We are actively registering members of Fairfax Resolves in their appropriate SAR WWII, Korean, and Vietnam Veterans Corps.

Please join me in welcoming our newly appointed 3rd Vice President, Compatriot Bud Walker. In addition to fulfilling the duties of President should the President, 1st Vice President, and 2nd Vice President be unavailable, Compatriot Walker will serve as a single point of contact within the Chapter for all of our awards programs. Bud attended the recent VASSAR Spring Meeting in order to get a head start on his new duties.

On a sad note, I have accepted the resignation of our Chapter Registrar, Darryl DaHarb. Our Assistant Registrar, Dave Cook, has agreed to serve as Acting Registrar until a permanent replacement is named. Please keep Dave in the loop as you continue to conduct your own family research, and indicate your willingness to serve as an Application Adjutant. By doing so, you can help mentor our new applicants through the application process. We will begin the search for our new Chapter Registrar immediately.


Very respectfully,


William W. “Bill” Price, President


Fairfax Resolves, SAR






2025 Fairfax Resolves Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution